"How do you begin forever?" - This just might be the toughest question a girl has to answer. Believe me, beyond butterflies and utopia, a soon to be blushing bride has a lot more to think about besides her dreamy prince charming. Before we were women, we were simple-minded little girls. Love was succinct; heck, boil it down to the all too familiar fairytale story. The beautiful princess in distress is rescued by her knight-in-shining-armor, the dragon is slain, and soon enough wedding bells are ringing! If only the talking birds and singing mice were here to take care of all the pre-wedding dirty work!
Before I yell "wake up princess" and splash on some water on our soon to be "fairytale" brides, I am happy to bring about some good news! We may not have the magic of talking birds and singing mice, but we do have our very own modern-day fairy godmother; her name is Themes and Motifs - The Special Events Co. Gone are the days of the worrisome brides, for Themes and Motifs, with her army of fairies has come to slay the Bridezilla in every beauty.
Every princess needs her frost; but what if diamonds can never become her best-friend?! Imagine the pressure one beauty places on her dear prince charming's shoulders, as he spends sleepless nights wondering where to dig for gold in exchange for a set of expensive rocks?
Well fear not blushing beauties, because the wedding gods have heard you! They send us gifts named costume jewelry. Meet PJ Valenciano, owner and designer of Palamuti Storytelling Jewels. Taken under the Themes and Motifs wedding armada, this "jewel fairy's" dreamy custom-made creations are ever so ready to satisfy your heart's desire. Name it, she'll make it! Now let's toast to that!
*PJ's pretty rocks are available at the Themes and Motifs one-stop shop, located at the Makati Shangrila Hotel.
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