Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Insights: Drawing Inspiration

The word inspiration means “the immediate influence of God or a god” or “to be breathed upon” which originates from Hellenism and Hebraism. To the Greeks, inspiration comes from the muses, the goddesses of literature, art and science, or directly from Apollo or Dionysius; while Hebrew poetics assert divine intercession for inspiration.

Then there is what's commonly known as  writer’s block.In any case, a designer also experiences this, when making a new piece becomes a struggle. There are days when inspiration is simply out of reach, and caving in becomes a most tempting choice.  I suffer from the “block” once in a while, and the main reason for me is pressure. Pressure to be the best at what I do, to prove something to myself; and most of all, pressure to decipher the meaning of it all. When pressure kicks in, the world becomes smaller and my vision turns into fear. On such days, I step back to allow myself to get a better perspective on things. A good book to read coupled with soulful music, a retreat to the local beach, a walking meditation with my loves, Gerard and my dog, Fabio. Also, a bit of socialization and interaction with people I find uplifting results to inspiration’s homecoming. 

Inspiration is everywhere. They manifest in everything you see, hear, and feel. These sources of ideas are translated in my designs; which strive to mirror objects, concepts, or anything that stirs my interest. I observe my surroundings; not taking even the mundane presence of a chair’s shadow for granted. 

In making Mayumi 2012, I wanted to recreate the seamless flow of shades found in a flower, in particular, the one I saw in our front yard. Would you believe our Calliope Collection, a bestseller, was inspired by a tile pattern found in our bathroom, which reminded me of Grecian architecture. Sometimes inspiration presents itself while I’m in the process of learning a new technique. The Imelda Collection was a result of my frustration trying to learn the loops of bead-weaving. 

A cluttered mind becomes the haven of stagnation. Inspiration presents itself when we exist in the present; the way we view the world changes when we change how we view the world. I have had my fair share of ups and downs; but interestingly, the downs have taught me to find beauty and inspiration, even amidst imperfections. -PJV

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