Saturday, May 29, 2010

Story-Telling Jewels

(“Palamuti Jewelry” Designer PJ Valenciano)

Words by Nikki Valenzuela

Rare is the designer who chooses to transform general craft into an art of its own. What makes a product stand out? What exactly sets it apart from its thousand other competitors?

- Soul. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s the creator’s genuine love for that certain hobby or craft (call it what you may) that is manifested in a final creation. Painting can be a craft, but what sets apart the true artists?

Palamuti is a unique brand of hand-crafted jewelry specially made by designer PJ Valenciano. Main ingredients to her creations include dreamlike whimsy and lots of imagination. Why say so?- because each line of jewelry created hopes to tell a story about a certain magical character who certainly exists in the designer’s fantasy land. Like Alice, she jumps into her very own rabbit-hole to find such inspiration; or is it her genuine love for animals and passion for surfing that never fails to add some sparkle into her very own magical world?

Being a proud Filipina, PJ decided to name her brand of jewelry “Palamuti,” a Tagalog word for decoration. Its pure fun when choosing to buy a piece from her sea of creations, because you choose to play a certain storybook character as well! Is it the sweet fairy Kaikala Danica that you relate to, or the feisty warrior princess Lady Apache? There’s nothing like one-of-a-kind products, and PJ’s wonderful creations certainly are! She only produces one piece per design; each piece certainly stands as a wearable work of art.

You may also vist for other blogs by Nikki Valenzuela. For inquiries on our handmade costume jewelry, email or

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