Thursday, July 4, 2013

Wearing Bead Embroidered Necklaces

Have you always been curious about wearing embellished necklaces? What if you don't have any idea where to start? Before purchasing bead embroidered necklaces, ask yourself if what you plan on getting fits your personality and taste. When it comes to reinventing yourself through accessorizing, do so without going overboard. Whenever you choose any fashion staple, even if it means changing layered chains to statement necklaces, it should always reflect who you are, when these fashion staples are worn. Certain items of clothing are meant to enhance, not to be the focus, of your wardrobe. Always keep one important thing in mind: it's all about you.

To jump from simple and laid back accessories, to statement or concept pieces, here are some general tips:

1. Start with simple patterned pieces or with designs that you'll be comfortable wearing.

2.  Choose pieces with a neckline that will enhance your facial shape.

3. Make sure that the measurements, particularly the length of the necklace, complements your body type. For example, if you are petite: stick with a smaller embellished necklace

4. Always think ahead  to the 'where' and 'when' you want to wear your embellished necklace. There are designs that go with a white casual tee, but can also take you to a black tie event.

5, Make sure that the design is appropriate for your age.

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