Friday, May 11, 2012

Preparing for the Big Day

The engagement marks the beginning of months long of preparation for your big day.Initially, you are jumping for joy feeling elated and on top of the world. But mind you, there's a long list of things that need to be done prior to your wedding. Without a doubt after the excitement subsides you'll be asking yourselves, "Where do we start?".

Here are some simple tips to get you onset.

Sit down and discuss among yourselves what you want for your wedding. Keep in mind that your wedding is about the two of you being united as husband and wife. To start the ball rolling, brainstorm and list everything down. If your husband-to-be finds it difficult to enumerate his own expectations for your wedding, here's a practical tip from Bridal Book PH: list down what you don't want; the elimination process should filter your ideas down to the most ideal and feasible option.

It may be your big day, but that doesn't give you an excuse to splurge away your savings. Be practical.  Determine the amount that you can afford, and set a realistic budget and be sure to set aside a contingency fund. After all, you don't want to go bankrupt after the wedding day do you?

Here's another tip in ascertaining your budget:  
"Assign certain parts of the budget to specific wedding categories (ceremony, reception, bride & groom's wardrobe, rings, etc.). Agree on which part of the wedding is more important to both of you. This will greatly help to determine what part of the budget to allot where. For example, if you believe that the marriage ceremony is more important than the celebration (the Philippines ascribes greater importance on the church wedding rites than the after-party), allot a bigger amount of the budget for the church expenses (decors, music, rings) and opt for a simpler reception." Read more: How to Plan a Dream Wedding on a Budget in the Philippines |
You can also read more creative ways on how you can save from Practical Wedding Guides.

The long list of what do do prior to your wedding can be alarming and at times certain items might get overlooked as the big day approaches. Avoid unnecessary stress and the risk of  forgetting something important by making a checklist and setting a time table for each task and item. This will serve as your guide in eliminating  last minute miscues and major disasters on your big day. If you are hiring a wedding planner, it is recommended that you have your own "wedding countdown sheet" to monitor the progress of your wedding plans.

 A theme will set the tone and mood of your wedding. Knowing your theme can help you narrow down the correct choices, especially when it comes to choosing suppliers. Another tip from Bridal Book PH, create a mood board in which you can show your suppliers, to better convene exactly what you are expecting from them.

Take your time in looking for suppliers. Attend bridal fairs if possible, as these events are a hotbed for wedding suppliers. Suppliers present at these events range from; photographers, venue, make-up, etc. Do not just compare prices, compare the quality as well. Dedicate an ample amount of time to choose the correct supplier that can cater to your needs. Do your research, but don't forget to have fun in the process!

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