Saturday, June 9, 2012

Basics of Wearing Earrings based on Face Shape

We dedicate this post to the basics of wearing earrings based on the shape of your face. A pair of earrings is a woman’s secret weapon. It draws attention to your face, thus picking a pair that complements your facial structure makes all the difference between a fashion victim and a fashion star. 


Face shapes are generally categorized into oval, oblong, square, round  and heart shaped faces. Listed below are guidelines to be kept in mind when purchasing a pair of earrings

1. Oval-shaped faces are said to be the most balanced among the all the mentioned face shapes. To determine if you are one, your face should be relatively longer than it is wider; your cheekbones are noticeably wider than the rest of your face. Having an oval shaped face gives you the freedom to experiment with a wide range of earrings, from simple studs, hoops, and elaborate statement pieces.

2. You are oblong-shaped when your face is long and narrow by at least one and a half of your face’s width. It’s best to wear earrings that give an illusion of volume to better balance the vertical orientation of your face. Favor hoop earrings, round earrings, and three-dimensional studs.  You may also wear dangling earrings as long as the design structure is not too linear. When it comes to teardrop-shaped, dangling earrings, make sure that the bottom part is rounded.

3. A square face is characterized by strong jawlines, wherein your face’s width is almost equal to the width of your forehead. Round, hoops, elongated and long earrings work well to soften the strong lines of your face. Refrain from buying earrings with sharp edges, as this would sharpen the square and angular quality of your face.

4. Round and full faces have soft angles, and angular earrings give a dramatic contrast to the your face’s curves. Long narrow drops are the best choice for you. Avoid chunky statement earrings since these will increase the focus too much on the roundness of your face. Wear chandelier and multi-tiered earrings made of diamond-shaped beads, but keep its length strictly at chin level. 

5. Do you have a wide forehead and narrow chin? Then you have a heart-shaped face. Choose earrings that have soft curves.  Dangling earring are also preferable, make sure that its bottom design flares. Earrings with pointy details, especially at the end, can be unflattering. The trick is to wear earrings that draw attention away from your facial angles.

1 comment:

  1. Easy to read, interesting and easy to understand. What more do you want from a topic-specific article? Thanks for sharing!
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